This ancient city was built by the Pueblo people and populated by thousands from the years 850 to 1250 AD. These are the most incredible pre-Columbian ruins north of Mexico. The stone work and craftsmanship of this ancient city is mind blowing. It is not surprising they have withstood the test of time. Walking through this ancient site while making this video was a spiritual journey that I will never forget. These scared native American ruins are a part of America that we must preserve and celebrate. And the location itself was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life. I was suprised at how difficult it was to access this site. In the video I wonder why they don’t pave the road to access this incredible place. In hindsight, I believe they should leave it exactly as is. If you want to go there you can. The rough road may keep out the crowds and I think that is a good thing. Experiencing sunset in this ancient and beautiful place was awe inspiring. But being there completely alone as I was, was epic to say the least. You can feel the energy of those who built this place and lived there so many years ago. We must look after this important part of our history and do everything we can to preserve it. Located in Navajo Nation land, New Mexico. I will return to this place again. Thanks for watching and please subscribe to this channel. And share this video. Love you all. -Tom
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Lost Ancient City In America – Tom Green Visits Chaco Culture National Historical Park