Coming Home – Tom Green Returning To Canada – Vanlife

So excited to update all of you about some big news. I have wanted to tell you about this for a while now but I had to get things set up first. I am so excited to announce that I am returning to Canada and will be broadcasting and creating from my new place in the wilderness. This is going to be an adventure! I suppose I have had so much fun traveling the remote regions of the USA in my van this year that it has reminded me of what is important. I love being close to nature and close to family so I have found a woodland property near my family and I will be relocating there permanently starting now! So stay tuned! My next video I will be introducing you to my new home base. From here we will be embarking together on many adventures in my van, and my canoe, and more! Stay tuned folks. Just know this has been a huge undertaking but now that I am getting settled I am going to have way more time to focus on making content for this channel. Get ready! And thanks for being here over all these years!!

Tom Green

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